His mother taught him the love of cooking, causing him to realise his dream. René has an impressive background in food culture. He has been active in every aspect of the restaurant business: as a chef, as a waiter, as a manager, as a director, as an owner, but also as a food coach, as a creator of food formats, as a construction guide, as well as engaging in culinary children’s activities. He worked for well-known Dutch eating establishments, such as “De hoefslag” in Bosch en Duin, “Greve” in The Hague, and “Hotel Arena”, “Hortus Botanicus”, “De stadsschouwburg” and “café-restaurant De jaren” in Amsterdam. But he also worked abroad, for instance at the “Anchorage Hotel Dominica” in the Caribbean. He founded and owned healthy snackbar “Dolores” in Amsterdam and his most recent undertaking was “René Pluijm boerendelicatessen” in Hilversum.
His career as a TV host began with short home-made films on the internet. While vacationing abroad, he would film his visits to farmers, restaurants and food producers. This formed the basis of his first programme “Pluijm op pad”. With Danny as his mentor and coach in the art of television making, he presented this programme for RTL4. It formed the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful collaboration!
René prefers to think of himself as a travel-mad food freak, always on the lookout for authentic and little-known products. He loves detecting the undetected, hates routine and never tires of gaining as much knowledge and energy as possible. He believes in keeping things simple by doing the absolute least, using products of only the highest possible standard. He enjoys displaying his knowledge and is genuinely out to make people happy. Pluijm avidly supports quality standards and real flavours, which is inextricably linked with his love for food and nature.